- Archon: Power... Overwhelming...
- Artanis: Templar! Rid yourself of Amon! Sever your nerve cords!
- Amon: [possesses the Keystone] No. We are one in the Khala.
- Selendis: Without the Khala, what will we become?
- Artanis: Free.
- Amon: Lies!
- Artanis: Believe.
- Selendis: [cuts off her nerve cords] En Taro Artanis!
- [the other Templars cut off their nerve cords and banish Amon]
- Alarak: I care not for freedom, it softens a people. I will dethrone Ma'lash and save my kind from oblivion, but they will not be "free". They will serve me. Freedom is a delusion granted to the weak by the strong.
- Zeratul: [knowing that he will die in his attempt to free Artanis from Amon's control, activates his wrist blades] My life for Aiur.
- Zeratul: [as Artanis battles the zerg on Shakuras] Alone. It is said that those of our kind suffer, separated from the glory of the Khala, but none of us are ever truly alone. For our warrior hearts are bound by honor... tradition... Battle is waged in the name of the many... the brave, who generation after generation, choose the mantle... of Dark Templar.
- Artanis: Templar, at long last, we stand at the threshold of destiny. For today we will restore the glory of our legacy. Today we will retake what we have lost, and reclaim our homeworld!
- [everyone shouts "For Aiur!"]