2035: After an alien invasion, peace prevails on earth. But there is one catch: humans are routinely selected to serve as the invaders' next dish. One day this lot falls on Yoshio, a lonesom... Read all2035: After an alien invasion, peace prevails on earth. But there is one catch: humans are routinely selected to serve as the invaders' next dish. One day this lot falls on Yoshio, a lonesome middle aged man without any lust for life. Facing his inevitable death, Yoshio tries to ... Read all2035: After an alien invasion, peace prevails on earth. But there is one catch: humans are routinely selected to serve as the invaders' next dish. One day this lot falls on Yoshio, a lonesome middle aged man without any lust for life. Facing his inevitable death, Yoshio tries to undo all his mistakes in his last week on earth.