- Sadie: My brother Noah says this temple is magical, full of legends that come to life, kings and warriors, and some ancient civilization that needs our help. But Noah is obsessed. He hasn't stopped talking about the legends of the Hidden Temple since we got here. So here we are. What a vacation.
- Olmec: The first half of the pendant is in The Room of the Ancient Warriors. The second is in The Treasure Room.
- Noah: Are those rooms where Thak and Zuma are right now?
- Olmec: That is correct. You may proceed down The Steps of Knowledge, but be warned. Once you pass the threshold, the only way out is to unlock the temple with the pendant.
- Sadie: Noah, stop walking now!
- Olmec: Once you put the pendant together, the temple will unlock for three minutes. You must bring the pendant to me before that time is up, otherwise you will remain trapped inside for eternity.
- Dudley: Hold up. We get three minutes or else we're trapped in here for eternity?
- Noah: It's a failsafe, so nobody can steal the pendant from the temple.
- Olmec: Correct. You may proceed.
- Dudley: Uh, what just happened?
- Noah: You just activated the Pit's ancient security system. Darts.
- Dudley: I did?
- [picking up a nearby skull, Noah tosses it at a wall, where it gets pinned by another dart]
- Dudley: I did.
- Sadie: So, now if we try to climb out of here, we'll get shot with darts?
- Noah: Yep.
- [Sadie stops Dudley from touching the skull]
- Noah: Nobody. Touch. Anything.
- Sadie: Well, could this get ANY worse?
- [hearing an animal growl]
- Sadie: What was that?
- Dudley: [seeing what's locked up in a cage] Uh, it looks like a red jaguar.
- Sadie: [trying to run away, she accidentally presses the mechanism to open the cage] And it just got worse.
- Olmec: When I turned my people to stone, I made the ultimate sacrifice. This is who I am now - the eternal guardian of the Hidden Temple.
- Noah: That's not fair. After all of this, you should be free.
- Zuma: This is the way it has to be, Noah.
- Olmec: The Pendant of Life has its own destiny, and now it belongs to the one true king, my son Zuma.
- Zuma: [kneeling] Father.
- Olmec: At long last, you shall be king. The Pendant of Life shall be put upon you by he that put it upon me - Noah.
- Dudley: [putting The Shrine of the Silver Monkey statue together] Okay, I'll put down the bottom.
- Sadie: And I'll put the middle piece on it.
- Noah: And I'll put the top piece on top, completing the monkey and allowing us to pass through this room.
- [seeing it's not right]
- Noah: Huh. That doesn't make any...
- Sadie: How did we mess that up?
- Noah: Oh, I see what we did.
- [taking it apart and re-assembling it]
- Noah: We just gotta... turn this around.
- Dudley: Turn this around.
- Sadie: Okay. Putting this down here.
- Noah: And voila!
- Sadie: [seeing it still isn't right] Wait a minute.
- Noah: How do we keep messing this up?
- [trying again]
- Sadie: Are you kidding me? How long is this gonna take?
- [an intertitle card appears, reading "4 hours later"]
- Sadie: No, we already tried that.
- Noah: Stop yelling at me!
- Dudley: [Mikey the green monkey chitters] Oh, really? Well, if it's so easy, why don't you do it?
- Olmec: Who dares to enter The Hidden Temple?
- Noah: Us. Noah, Sadie, and...
- Dudley: Dudley.
- Olmec: I am Olmec, keeper of the temple.
- Noah: Wait. *The* Olmec, as in King Olmec?
- Olmec: I was.
- [narrating over flashbacks]
- Olmec: We were once a thriving civilization. The day had come for me to give the empire to my beloved son Zuma. I knew Zuma would be a great king and take good care of our people. Just as Zuma was about to inherit the powerful pendant, and with it the throne... we were attacked by a ruthless band of banished temple guards. They want to steal the pendant for their evil leader, my other son, Thak.
- Thak: [in the flashback] Father. Brother. Uhh!
- Olmec: Zuma fought bravely, but I knew it was a matter of time until the pendant fell into the wrong hands.
- [knocking Thak's soldiers down, King Olmec tosses the pendant to Zuma, but Thak throws a dagger through it, breaking it in two, and they each catch a piece]
- Olmec: It was brother versus brother with our entire civilization at stake. If Thak were to get his hands on both halves of the pendant, his power would be unstoppable. And so... I made a choice. I turned my entire civilization to stone, frozen in time, protected until the two halves of the pendant could be restored.
- [the flashbacks end]
- Olmec: So, are you here to free my people?
- Sadie: Oh, uh... no. No, I'm-I'm really sorry, but, uh, we were actually on our way out just before you... yeah. And, um, if you could just show us the exit...
- Noah: Shh. Actually, Olmec, that is why we're here. To save your people.
- Sadie: Noah... what are you doing?
- Noah: Don't you see? The legend is real. He needs us. We're his only hope.
- Olmec: If you are to bring my people back to life, you must retrieve The Pendant of Life from the temple and place it where my heart once was, but beware. The temple is made up of hundreds of dangerous rooms. A single error could lead to death.
- Sadie: Where are we now?
- Noah: The Shrine of the Silver Monkey. Oh, we just have to put these pieces together.
- Sadie: That's it?
- Noah: Yep.
- Dudley: [picking the base up with some effort] What's the catch? More snakes?
- Noah: No.
- Sadie: Poison darts? Dreaded temple guards? Quicksand?
- Noah: No. It's just these three pieces. Seriously. Don't be so cynical. Not everything has to be some crazy, perilous death trap.
- Noah: Whoa. Did you make this?
- Kirk Fogg: Yeah. Be careful, the paint smears.
- Noah: It's split in two just like the real thing. This is the ancient glyph for "Pendant of Life." King Olmec's magical pendant. Right?
- Kirk Fogg: Yeah, right. I... not a lot of people know that. I'm impressed.
- Noah: I love this stuff. I've studied this world. Did you also know that this half represents Olmec's evil son, Thak? And this half represents his good son, Zuma?
- Kirk Fogg: Now I'm really impressed. I've led this tour since 1995, and nobody knows this.
- Noah: I'm kinda obsessed with the legends of the Hidden Temple. The dreaded temple guards, the Shrine of the Silver Monkey. I could go on and on. I just wish I could actually go inside. Legend says you only get one chance to make it right. Wait. Have you been inside?
- Kirk Fogg: Uh... briefly. I coulda stayed. I should've, but I was afraid, and... if, uh, heh... if I was to go back and do it all over again, though, I would - but... I didn't come back totally empty-handed. I found something in there.
- Noah: [a few minutes later, looking at a map drawn on a piece of animal skin] Knight of the Pendulum, Shrine of the Silver Monkey.
- Kirk Fogg: Right.
- Noah: This is amazing.
- Kirk Fogg: Whoever follows this map can break the curse.
- [an announcement is made that his next tour is coming up]
- Kirk Fogg: Sorry, I got a group to teach.
- [moving to take the map back, he sees Noah's look]
- Kirk Fogg: Hold onto that for me.
- Noah: Excuse me, when do we actually get to go inside the temple?
- Kirk Fogg: Inside? Never, I'm afraid. It's closed to the public. See, years ago, some people went in and never came out. Nobody knows why. Some people say it was an accident. Others say the temple's cursed. It's been blocked off ever since.
- Sadie: This is a restricted area. What are you doing?
- Noah: Me? What are you doing?
- Sadie: Getting you two out of here, even though I don't want to be responsible.
- Noah: [under his breath] I didn't want you to be, either.
- [louder]
- Noah: So how 'bout you just don't?
- Sadie: No. I'm in charge. I'm sorry, but what I say goes - and this time, I'm putting my foot... down.
- [stomping on the ground, she accidentally triggers a trap door they're standing on]
- Sadie: What have you done? We're doomed. I mean, you locked us in here.
- Noah: Why do you automatically assume we're doomed? Maybe we'll be okay. I am capable of doing stuff, you know?
- Sadie: Yeah, capable of being selfish.
- Noah: Oh, you wanna talk selfish, Sadie?
- Dudley: Hey, cut it out! As much fun as it is to watch you two word-slap each other, I think maybe we should focus on the task at hand. What do you say?
- [their monkey companion chitters]
- Dudley: I knew you'd have my back, Mikey.
- Olmec: Now, you must decide. Bravely enter the treacherous temple and walk with the animals in the clouds or leave through the door behind you... never to return again. The choice is yours and yours alone.
- Sadie: The choice is to leave, obviously.
- Noah: I choose to enter.
- Dudley: Me, too. And "walk with the animals in the clouds?" I'm not sure what it means, but it sounds fun.
- [their monkey companion chitters]
- Dudley: Nice. Mikey's in, too. That's three to one, Sadie.
- Sadie: No, stop! You two do not get votes, okay? And certainly not the monkey. Mom and Dad put me in charge.
- Noah: Yeah, but you didn't even wanna be put in charge, remember? I didn't want you to be, either. I don't need Sadie the Sitter.
- Sadie: You do when you're about to leap without looking.
- Noah: I know what I'm doing.
- Dad: Whoa, whoa, whoa, tram's still in motion. Safety first. Which reminds me, here's your safety tote, Noah.
- Noah: [going through the contents] Ugh. Arctic tundra foot spray, water shoes, flashlights, bear spray?
- Dad: And there's a helmet.
- Noah: Seriously, Dad? How come only I have to bring one of these?
- Dad: Because you're the only one here who leaps before he looks.
- Noah: I look before I leap.
- Sadie: You literally just tried to leap off of a moving tram.
- Dudley: [escaping from Thak's temple guards] They can swim!
- [doggy-paddling, some of them sink into the moat]
- Dudley: Oh, never mind. They can't swim.
- [a guard starts to catch up]
- Dudley: All right, just that one can swim.
- Noah: Dudley, watch out!
- Dudley: [the temple guards are attacked by something in the water] What was that?
- Noah: Blue barracudas. The moat, it's filled with them.
- Sadie: Now you tell us about the blue barracudas?
- Dad: What do you mean you think our kids are trapped in the temple?
- Kirk Fogg: No, they're not totally trapped... yet. If... if they're able to put The Pendant of Life back together, then they might be able to get out. I-It's only if they can't, they're in real trouble.
- Mom: What kind of insane tour is this?
- Sadie: [trying to escape from Thak] We have to knock him off the rope.
- Noah: But how?
- Sadie: [shaking it] Like this. Come on, guys, help me.
- Noah: [as he and Dudley join in, Thak gets off his raft and starts to crawl across the rope] Your plan's not working.
- [a blue barracuda suddenly jumps out of the water and grabs Thak, pulling him down the rapids and over a waterfall]
- Noah: Is that part of your plan?
- Sadie: Nope. Let's go.
- Dudley: These statues give me the creeps.
- Noah: This is great news.
- Dudley: Why are creepy statues great news?
- Noah: No, not that they're creepy, that they're here. This is The Room of the Ancient Warriors. The first half of the pendant is somewhere in this room. The question is... where?
- Dudley: [seeing something, he shrieks and stumbles into a statue] Ahhh! Ow!
- Sadie: Oh, stop, Dudley, you almost gave me a heart attack.
- Dudley: Look at the size of that thing.
- Sadie: It's just an...
- Noah: Orange iguana.
- Dudley: Wait a minute. We're outside now. Can't we just leave the temple?
- Sadie: Yeah. Maybe that's what Olmec meant when he said walk with the animals in the clouds. Look, that purple parrot's literally just flying away.
- [it gets vaporized as it hits the temple barrier]
- Sadie: Or not.
- Noah: We have to put the pendant back together. There's no way out of here.
- Sadie: Yeah, and fast, before those temple guards find us.
- Noah: Okay, there has to be a series of correct combinations of stones that don't sink. It's just, which ones are they?
- Sadie: Noah, can you read these glyphs?
- Noah: Yeah, most of 'em... I think.
- Sadie: You think? Don't give me that. You have to. Okay, because maybe, just maybe, these will give us a way out of this.
- Mom: Any updates?
- Sargento Primero: Yes, ma'am. Somebody found this phone in a restricted area.
- Mom: [recognizing it] Oh, no. That's our daughter Sadie's.
- Sargento Primero: Okay, don't you worry, ma'am. We set up a perimeter, and I have a crew en route with jackhammers. We're gonna get inside that temple, get your kids out before you know it.
- Kirk Fogg: Or maybe not. That's not gonna work. This temple's protected by a powerful golden forcefield.
- Sargento Primero: I'm sorry, who are you?
- Kirk Fogg: I'm the guide, Kirk Fogg.
- Sargento Primero: Oh, the guide. Okay, Mr. Fogg, I'm gonna need you to step back and let me do my job.