Lightningface (2016) follows a man named Basil, who in the aftermath of an inexplicable incident, decides to sequester himself inside his apartment. This short is a lot of fun, it isn't a huge standout but it's an intriguing concept. The film is massively helped by the brilliant performance from Oscar Isaac.
The cinematography is ok, but definitely lacks in some areas. I like a few of the colour palettes and there are some pretty shots with interesting framing, however the short feels too visually dark and dull at times and I did expect more. Additionally, the editing is done very well and makes the short fun to watch.
The sound design is a bit goofy at times, but I find it adds to the charm and humour. The score is equally as odd too. The sound design includes a lot of chaotic and loud elements which I feel fit the tone of the film rather well.
Oscar Isaac is absolutely perfect in his role, and he really brings his character to life. His character, Basil, is also very well written and completely unhinged and fun to watch. It's entertaining to see his quick descent into madness and unpredictability.
The short is somewhat slow, but still very entertaining. It's incredibly weird and includes some oddly funny moments, I never knew what was about to happen next! The ending is just as confusing and bizarre too which I really liked. Lastly, the film is structured by being split into chapters which I thought was a nice touch!