- Dom: My old scoutmaster used to say 'If the shortcut was a shortcut, it wouldn't be called a shortcut, it would be called a route'.
- Luke: Why don't we go to... boom! Amsterdam?
- Hutch: No, it's too touristy now, isn't it?
- Phil: All right, TripAdvisor.
- Robert: I'm not getting off my head again.
- Dom: Tuscany?
- Phil: Yeah, good wines.
- Luke: No.
- Phil: Germany, then?
- Luke: Nein.
- Dom: Belgium?
- Luke: Belgium? Mate, no one's ever been to Belgium by choice. What are you on about? What's in Belgium?
- Dom: Beers that are, like, 42% or something.
- Phil: [hiking in the rain] Oh, this is awful in almost every conceivable way.
- Dom: There are some, Phil, who consider this character building.
- Phil: Quite frankly, right now, Sweden can lick my bridge. Lick your what?
- Dom: My bridge. Jesus Christ, the bridge.
- Phil: Oh, you mean the perineum.
- Dom: Yeah, the gooch. The bridge.