...but the marketing is TOTALLY misleading. The DVD box basically is for a different film! It's like the producers chickened out at the last minute and did desperate packaging to boost sales.
What it is, is like a 90 minute X-Files episode, but in England, and Scully is the main character, and Mulder is a sexist bully a-hole, and all the cops are sexist bully a-holes, and the perp is a sexist bully a-hole satanist. And Scully has to deal with all the gaslighting and like save the day.
Good acting, especially Scully who is GREAT. Good cinematography, good special effects, no silly jump scares, surprisingly funny at times, overall very underrated.
I hated the ending. The last minute was like the producers chickened out again and left something for the gore kiddies. Would have been 9/10 with a different ending.