As I have moaned about plenty in the past, a good movie is wholly based on a good story but a lot of stuff is made only based on an idea of a story and not a fully formed story. This movie has a great story.
"The world we knew" is well acted and well shot. Its obviously low budget but the director knew where to shave some of the budget to give a bigger budget look. 1 location is always a give away but the writing holds it all together.
Some great acting and some not so great but a few of the monologues were fantastic. Johan Myers as the boxer really played up to the part and his monologue was particularly great.
This isnt a spoiler as the reveal happens fairly early on but lets say its a cross between a gangster story and a ghost story.
I always judge a movie based on the size of the team and budget. Its why i think marvel is rubbish and Oppenheimer was excellent. Massive budgets but spent completely differently .This movie is a very small one so should be judged on what they did with that budget and direction.
I think the best part of this movie is the story telling by the writers and characters. I know some people (like marvel or fast fans) would down play that as "wordy", well thats how you build character history and atmosphere etc without the need of a cgi car chase or explosion.
Great story telling, great acting and a great story . 7/10.