- Rogerebert.com [Barbara Scharres]
- Rogerebert.com [Brian Tallerico]
- Rogerebert.com [Matt Zoller Seitz]
- Sight & Sound [Nick James]
- Sight & Sound [Richard Combs]
- 3 Brothers Film [Aren Bergstrom]
- A Film Life [Ian Taylor, Sheila Taylor]
- A Good Movie to Watch [Bilal Zouheir]
- Abgeschminkt [Uwe Kraus]
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- Acción Cine [Jesús Usero]
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- ALDMovieland
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- Alibi [Clarke Condé]
- Always Good Movies [Filipe Freitas]
- Any Good Films? [Simon Hooper]
- Asdecopas [Carlos Ochoa]
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- Austin Chronicle [Marc Savlov]
- AV Club [A.A. Dowd]
- AW Movie Spot [Andrew Watson]
- Awards Watch [Catherine Springer]
- Battle Royale with Cheese [Dan Barnes]
- Battleship Pretension [Scott Nye]
- Battleship Pretension [Tyler Smith]
- Blu-ray [Brian Orndorf]
- Bulles de Culture [Antoine Corte]
- French
- C7nema [Hugo Gomes]
- Portuguese
- Celluloid Paradiso [André Crous]
- Cine Divergente [Javier Acevedo]
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- Cine en Serio [Julio Vallejo]
- Spanish
- Cinealliance [Quentin]
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- Cineccentric [Henry Baime]
- Cinefilia [Yasser Medina]
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- Cinema Babel [Garrett Eberhardt]
- Cinema em Cena [Pablo Villaça]
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- Cinemagazine [Len Karstens]
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- Cinopsis [Eric Van Cutsem]
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- Ciné Dweller [Gérard Crespo]
- French
- Ciné Séries [Pierre Siclier]
- French
- Cinécure [Charles De Clercq]
- French
- Cinéfilic [Pascal Grenier]
- French
- Cinésthesia [Mike McCahill]
- Collider [Gregory Ellwood]
- Common Sense Media [Jeffrey M. Anderson]
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