Beth Grant credited as playing...
- Lucky: One of these days, I'm just going to light up.
- Elaine: My place, my rules.
- Lucky: Ownership is a fallacy.
- Elaine: Why can't you just live by the rules?
- Lucky: Authority is arbitrary and subjective.
- Elaine: This is the same kind of attitude that got you 86-ed from Eve's.
- Lucky: What do you know of it?
- Elaine: I know you lit up.
- Lucky: That's what you think happened.
- Elaine: If you didn't light up, why did they kick you out?
- Lucky: They didn't kick me out, I walked out.
- Elaine: That's a good story.
- Howard: I like that story.
- Lucky: It's not a story.
- Elaine: Then what is it?
- Lucky: It's the truth.
- Elaine: The truth is, you lit up!
- Lucky: It's not about the cigarettes, it's about what I know happened, and what you think happened.
- Paulie: I wish I had been there.
- Lucky: You could have been there and still have missed it.
- Elaine: You broke the rules. You got busted and banned. That's the truth.
- Paulie: Look, how about if we all agree to disagree?
- Lucky: No. I know the truth and the truth matters!
- Vincent: It's a thing. Right?
- Lucky: Yes, truth is a thing. It's the truth of who we are and what we do. And you have to face that, and accept it. Because the truth of the universe is waiting.
- Elaine: I'm lost.
- Lucky: The truth of what is, for all of us.
- Paulie: Which is...
- Lucky: That it's all going to go away. You, you, you, you, me, this cigarette, everything into blackness, the void. And nobody's in charge. And you're left with... ungatz.
- Paulie: Ungatz.
- Vincent: Nothing.
- Lucky: Nothing. That's... that's all there is.
- Elaine: And what do you do with that?
- Howard: What do we do with that?
- Lucky: [surveys the bar and chuckles] You smile.
- [last word]