- Ludivina Dela Vera: Stop acting foolish. No one really prays anymore, everybody just recites words. People pray because they are used to doing it, right?
- Ludivina Dela Vera: Letter writing is a dying art, no one writes anymore. People love to shortcut; they facebook, always on their cellphone, you know, I really miss those days when people wrote letters to each other.
- Macy Dela vera: You know I used to look so sad. You remember what I look like, right? So sad, so drab, ordinary, boring, commonplace, but one day Santiago pulled me aside and said to me, you know what you have to start living your life, stop holding back, you have to be more creative, spontaneous because life is short. And ever since he told me that, I decided to dress the way I wanted to, regardless on how anybody decided to comment on it. And you know what? I became a happier person.
- Ludivina Dela Vera: That's the good thing about family right? No matter how different you are, at the end of the day you still have each other.
- Ponching: I learned from grandma the difference between good and bad. That being good doesn't mean going to church or not; it is about showing the people around you respect; to be honest and of course, to ask for forgiveness when you did something wrong. No one's perfect, right?