Shot in the Univisium film format. It is the first low-budget film to use this film format originally developed by cinematographer Vittorio Storaro.
The werewolf transformation sequence was filmed around the ruins of St. Patrick's Chapel in Heysham Villiage. It is recorded in the National Heritage List for England as a designated Grade 1 listed building and is a Scheduled Ancient Monument. Evidence of human habitation on the site has been dated back 12,000 years.
The film received a limited theatrical in the United Kingdom where it managed to out-gross Run for Your Wife (2012) starring Danny Dyer, Sir Cliff Richard and Dame Judi Dench.
Tony Richardson appears in the film briefly in the hiking scene as Harry Kent with Naomi Stromire. He was due to film additional days, including a death scene, but was let go from the production and left uncredited after admitting to stealing money from the producers. In the final cut, he wanders off in search of Dante the dog and dies off-screen.
The awards ceremony was a last minute addition to the film, shot one week before the film opened for theatrical release.