Rebellion: A Star Wars Story
"In a time of peril, and uncertainty, the stakes are high as Captain Saibo Osa, and Ana-Li Zemren, call on the aid of an clever old junk trader; Kerren. He provides them vital intel on their... Read all"In a time of peril, and uncertainty, the stakes are high as Captain Saibo Osa, and Ana-Li Zemren, call on the aid of an clever old junk trader; Kerren. He provides them vital intel on their mission to create a diversion. Time is short, as they are tasked with helping a small ban... Read all"In a time of peril, and uncertainty, the stakes are high as Captain Saibo Osa, and Ana-Li Zemren, call on the aid of an clever old junk trader; Kerren. He provides them vital intel on their mission to create a diversion. Time is short, as they are tasked with helping a small band of Rebels, in stealing the plans from the Empire's ultimate weapon. The Death Star. Faci... Read all