Olesya Rulin credited as playing...
- Amber: [as Elise and Brian play the footage on the flash drive that Amber broadcasts from her bedroom] Dear Elise and Brian, first of all, allow me to tell you how I enjoyed working for you. Despite everything, I don't think I've ever been happier or felt more needed then when I was taking care of Cody. Almost immediately, I noticed the nanny cam. It's a pretty common one. You can buy them at any electronic store and I don't blame you. If I had a child of my own, I'd use one too. I do apologize about not being completely honest about my background. Then again if you knew, I think we'd all know there's no way you would've hired me. Just needed a chance. Anyway, just as you had your suspicions about me, I too have them about you... Especially after the murders of Vance and the horrible man at the gallery. I can see where things were going and where blame was being lead. So I substituted the thumb drive in the nanny cam with one of my own. It was weeks before I heard about Jax's passing. And the police report, two different neighbors saw a woman in a hooded sweatshirt leaving her house.
- [footage of Elise sneaking into Jax's house is shown]
- Amber: The date and time of this video is within the hour when the pathologist said she was murdered. The DNA found at the crime scene will be a match.
- [Elise and Brian look at each other as the footage cuts back to Amber]
- Amber: I'm sure that the DNA of Elise's hair which I sent to the police along with this file.
- [Elise and Brian hear police sirens in the background]
- Amber: I don't expect to see either one of you again soon, but give Cody as kiss for me. And don't worry, he'll be fine in the foster system.
- [turns to the camera to give her last line]
- Amber: They mean, just look at me.
- [tilts her head a little bit to her left as she smiles towards the camera]