Every summer, the South Korean television industry puts forth the best and most promising shows and crosses its fingers that the public falls in love. Of course, not every show can be a surefire win; it can often take weeks before a show hits its stride, or they may just lose their momentum and drop off altogether. Luckily, this show is the one that makes the public fall in love more and more after each of its episode.
Instead of the serious, bleak, and depressing atmosphere that recent South Korean police or detective series such as "Signal" or "Secret Forest", "Live" is very refreshing, heart-warming, and realistic. Just as the title shows us, this series does not heavily focus on police corruption or the police force's long, troubled history of misconduct toward the community it exists to serve. Instead, it paints a vivid, detailed picture of the police's daily struggles and how they overcome those day-to-day difficulties to fulfill their missions and somehow make their lives less miserable. These cops have to live their lives right, so they can help others live right. Again, this show does contain very optimistic underlying messages. It is relatable, especially for people who are in their 20s, 30s, and 40s.
Moreover, what makes this show stand out is the acting of its cast, especially that of Bae Jung Woo and Jung Yu Mi, two of the most reliable actors in South Korean movie industry - Chungmunro. The soundtrack is awesome. The camerawork is good, too. All in all, this is one worth-watching show.