What we have here is basically a skit that should have been about 35 minutes padded out to 54 minutes with filler. They even included an intermission!
Amateurish acting and poor special effects are par for the course for low budget movies, so I'll set those issues aside. The single factor that affected my viewing was the script. It is in dire need of an edit. Many of the scenes go on too long, though I'm not sure if that's because the script was padded with filler or because the actors were allowed to riff during scenes. Some scenes didn't seem to make any contribution to the film's objectives. Additionally, the main character's backstory, which is alluded to many times in flashback sequences, serves no purpose (though, with a better script, it could have).
They decided to pepper fart noises throughout the movie, whether they made sense for the scene or didn't.
1-3: Not worth your time.
4-6: Good.
7-9: Great.
10: Outstanding.