This comic TV series focuses on justice, government interdependent relationships, and specific elements of Russian households. The feud between old friends is just the background for this show, opening the viewer's eyes on social-economic problems of low-income families and how the people deal with these issues in Russia. Domashniy Arest (House Arrest in English) is full of memorable quotes and "marginalized wisdom. " ("Podvinut' Vovy" - move out Vladimir *Putin* - it is about building a political career from grass roots support and from a mayor of a small unknown town becoming a national leader. Another example is "zhadnost' comnatnoy temperatury" - room temperature greed - it means moderate level of avarice which all successful politicians must posses.) The storyline is based on an unlikely plot for Russia, wherein one person without any ties with political establishment and governing experience gains the popular support through social media. It opens some opportunities for a poor alcohol-addicted middle-aged guy, Samsonov, for achieving social mobility and advancing from a blue-collar worker to a white-collar group. Culturally, this comedy shows some actual elements of everyday life in a provincial town with its sexual harassments, power abusing, corruption and extortion. If "Wire" and "Shameless" reveals how American society works, then "House Arrest" accurately represents how Russian society lives.