- Kyle: What a lot of people don't know about organized crime in the south is that it's not that organized. The term Dixie Mafia has always been too generous, implied too grand a scale.
- Kyle: I've always suspected that I didn't want the desirable things in life as much as I should. Women, cars, houses, movies, bands. These things were how people chiseled out a tidy philosophy of life. I never needed a philosophy of life. It's only people who wanted things, felt guilty about getting things and frustrated about not getting things that needed a philosophy. I was just as pleased to get drunk or drink a bunch and not get drunk.
- Johnna: Sandra Bullock is the happiest she's ever been. She views her divorce and its fall out as a blessing and something she grew from.
- Swin: I'm sorry, but those magazines are the canary in the coal mine of Western civilization.
- Johnna: Stop it. They're fun.
- Swin: It's materialism run rampant. All that celebrity worship and trash culture. It's drivin' everybody crazy and they don't even realize it.
- Johnna: Keep talking, Professor.
- Swin: What do you think all these zombie movies and post-apocalyptic stories are about the last few years?
- Johnna: What?
- Swin: All these children's novels about over throwin' the governement and fighting each other to death.
- Johnna: What are you talkin' about?
- Swin: It's mass projection. Everybody wants the world to end, because is that's what's passing for the American dream these days they all wanna opt out.
- Johnna: Of what?
- Swin: Of everything, fuckin' society.
- Title Card: A lot of people leave Arkansas and most of them come back sooner or later. They can't quite achieve escape velocity. -Charles Portism, The Dog of the South
- [last lines]
- Kyle: [narrator] I'm a drug dealer. No one knows they're a drug dealer 'til they become one. Once they do, there's no resigning the post.