After his mother and stepfather have been killed in a barge accident, John Breen is rescued from some East Side toughs by the Lipvitches. He remains in the city, determined to find his real father, who rejected his mother; and after some success as a prizefighter, he is virtually adopted by Van Horn, a millionaire who actually is his father. Becka Lipvitch renounces his love when Pug Malone advises her that their marriage would endanger his future. John becomes engaged to Josephine, Van Horn's ward, and rejects the boxing ring for an engineering career. While returning from Europe, Van Horn is drowned when his ship sinks; Josephine and Rantoul, finding consolation in each other's love, are rescued and are married. Meanwhile, John rescues Becka from Flash, a nightclub owner and narcotics peddler, and they are reconciled.