Doris Lloyd credited as playing...
Mrs. Murphy
- Mrs. Murphy: Then you've had to take me, Mr. Holmes?
- Sherlock Holmes: I'll, ahh, take up your case.
- Mrs. Murphy: Mind you, it'll have to be for love.
- Sherlock Holmes: Love?
- Mrs. Murphy: For nix. I've noticed how you like workin' for nothin'.
- Sherlock Holmes: My interest is to bring the criminal to justice.
- Mrs. Murphy: Well, never mind about justice, never mind about the crime. All I want is my husband's lawful money. And I want you to slap that thievin' lawyers face right across, between his greasy fat chops. Good night, Mr. Holmes. I'll be seeing you and thank you kindly.
- Mrs. Murphy: I gave up everything, Mr. Holmes. You ask the proprietor of the Black Sow, he'll tell you. It was me that made that pub what it was.
- Mrs. Murphy: Mr. Holmes, I'm in such a mess. Such a mess! My husband up and died without leaving me as much as a threepenny bit. It's a crying shame, Mr. Holmes, that's what it is.
- Sherlock Holmes: Sit down and try to compose yourself.
- Mrs. Murphy: Cut off without a farthing by an ungrateful good-for-nothing. Me! And my kind of life! No dirty dog had a better wife. I've waited on him hand to mouth, stood by his side morning, noon, and night, and what does the stinker do? He ups and kills himself and - and leaves his money to a trust. And Mr. Merrydew. Yes. And there's another stinker if I never saw another. Won't even let me have a sixpence. He won't even let me have a ha'penny, Mr. Holmes.
- Mrs. Murphy: Jim comes into my room. I was in bed with a piece of cucumber rind round me head, trying to cure a headache. He had a letter in his hand. "See, here, pig," he said. That was his pet name for me when he was drunk. "I'm going up to London."