Conrad and Prince John play a chess game in which Conrad makes four moves to John's one.
In the battle before Jerusalem, the scenery alternates between desert and forest.
Katherine DeMille's name is spelled correctly in the opening credits, but her surname is spelled De Mille in the end credits.
There was no Russian prince on the Third Crusade: it was a Latin, not an Orthodox, venture.
Navarre was not "a poor kingdom". The King of Navarre gave Richard an impressive dowry when Berengaria was wed.
Conrad of Montferrat is depicted plotting at the French and English courts when he was already on the other side of the Mediterranean, gallantly defending the city of Tyre. His character, activities and the circumstances of his death are misrepresented and altered throughout.
King William of Sicily sent ships to aid the Crusade, but did not go personally. He had died, in Sicily, before Richard (his brother-in-law) arrived in the East.
Incorrect heraldry for the Marquisate of Montferrat (Monferrato), Italy. It is a band of red above white/silver. No chevrons, no snakes.
When Hercules dies and Richard covers his face with a banner, the actor playing Hercules clearly blinks twice.
Richard the Lionheart wears a wristwatch.
Richard's coat of arms is shown as three lions. He did not adopt this device until 1198, four years after returning from the crusades.
Whether 'Duke Frederick of the Germans' is meant to be Frederick, Duke of Swabia, or his father, Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, his presence at the time of Richard's arrival (1191) is an anachronism. The Emperor had died en route to the Crusade in Asia Minor. Duke Frederick did arrive with what remained of his father's forces, but died of dysentery, aged 23, in the siege-camp at Acre in January 1191 - some months before Richard landed.
The scene in Marseilles showing a siege engine being moved through the town is complete fabrication. Siege engines were disassembled for easier transport, or built at the siege site.
Marriage by token was an actual custom used by royalty. It permitted the marriage of couples, often only children, in widely separated countries. It would not have been considered proper with the individuals located as close as shown in the movie.