According to Greg Mank's book "Karloff and Lugosi, Karloff received $10,000 for his work, Lugosi $5000, Irene Ware $625, Lester Matthews $1153.76, and Samuel S. Hinds $1333.35.
For the B.B.F.C, the above film was the final straw. The British film censors decided to withdraw any further horror movies from being shown in the U.K.
During the gallery of mirrors reveal, when Bateman yells "NO!" that is not Boris Karloff's voice but a post production dub-over.
According to "The Immortal Count," the scene where Jerry is hanging in mid-air from the doorknob of Jean's room was laughed at by theater audiences at the premiere.
The movie was scheduled for a 15 day shooting schedule and a budget of $109,750.