- Billy Workman: Say mister, are you a play actor?
- Tex Malinson: Well, sorter.
- Billy Workman: Well, what do you do?
- Tex Malinson: Well, I play a guitar and make funny noises with my mouth.
- [Professor McGill's theatrical troupe billboards bill Tex prominently]
- Tex Malinson: You're layin' it on kinda thick ain't you, professor? Them are pretty big letters... do you think I can live up to all that?
- Professor McGill: A mere bagatelle, my boy. With myself as impresario, your success is assured.
- Claude 'Grass' Hopper: Them's mighty big words, Professor, but you know Tex, he's a cowhand. He ain't no actor.
- Professor McGill: My good man, I am a thespian. To one who has trodden the boards with the immortal Booth, nothing is impossible.