The Bat Whispers (1930)
Charles Dow Clark: Detective Jones
Detective Anderson : Did you do much looking around?
Detective Jones : Did I? That's just what I was doing when somebody socked me with a piano.
Detective Jones : Hey, what type of joint is this?
Detective Anderson : Who are you?
Detective Jones : Who am I? Who do you think I am? W.T. Jones. Super-sleuth of Oakdale County.
Lizzie Allen : Aren't you going to take me up with you?
Cornelia van Gorder : You're nothing but trouble on the ground floor, you'll be a nuisance on the roof.
[goes up the stairs]
Cornelia van Gorder : If I yell you come up!
Detective Jones : Who, me?
Cornelia van Gorder : Yes you!
Cornelia van Gorder : Dale, get some whiskey.
Detective Jones : You mean to tell me you've got booze in the house?
Cornelia van Gorder : Yes, for emergencies.
Detective Jones : So that's why everybody's trying to break into this place.