- Maj. Steel: And just a minute, Lieutenant. Have they succeeded in locating Captain Albright?
- Lieutenant: Not yet, sir.
- Maj. Steel: Albright's former experience in the service will be invaluable to us in this crisis. He has volunteered to help if needed and he must be found!
- Fury Shark: What do you want me to do?
- Ivan Shark: Get the "Manners" outfit, of course.
- Fury Shark: Really, Father, I don't know what you have in mind.
- Ivan Shark: Of course not. If you did, you'd be running the place and I'd be getting the suit.
- Maj. Steel: Where was John Edwards taken?
- Henchman Kraus [Ch. 1]: I-I can't tell you that. I don't know!
- Maj. Steel: Then you'll have to accept the responsibility for the death of Captain Albright.
- Henchman Kraus [Ch. 1]: You can't make that charge stand up. What can you do to me?
- Maj. Steel: I shall do nothing, but you will receive a visitor at midnight who will be your judge and your executioner!
- [after stealing a car and escaping from Ivan Stark's henchmen, John Edwards is pulled over for speeding]
- Motorcycle Cop: Going to a fire?
- John Edwards: Well, don't stop me, man. I just escaped from a gang of cutthroats. I'm on my way to government headquarters to protect my invention.
- Motorcycle Cop: Well, if that isn't a new one.
- Ivan Shark: He beat you all as usual! It is useless to proceed further until we definitely dispose of this Captain Midnight. Fortunately, I have a plan that cannot miss. We'll use the plane they're looking for. I'm willing to sacrifice many planes to be rid of this menace!
- [first lines]
- Narrator: Captain Midnight! His country calls and aviation's greatest hero flies again in a one-man war against crime. The odds seem unsurmountable, yet his courage never flags. Single-handed, through fog and sleet and snow, he daily risks his life in the cause of justice. And while he lives, the underworld dares not rest!
- Ichabod 'Icky' Mudd: [to Chuck after the bad guys escape] You tied them up, eh? With what, spiderwebs?