Albert Dekker credited as playing...
Gaston Le Blanc
- Gaston Le Blanc: Look here, old man. Where is your patriotism?
- Patrick 'Pat' O'Toole: Well, thinking of her with him isn't helping it any! And you leave my patriotism out of this. I don't mind giving up coffee and sugar but when it comes to... I'd like to know what man was ever hero enough to say I have but one wife to give to my country!
- Gaston Le Blanc: So, now I'm a spy for Uncle Sam, passing as a Frenchman, being paid by the Germans, and the beauty of it is: No income tax.
- Gaston Le Blanc: Now do you believe I'm on the square?
- Katie O'Hara Von Luber, aka Katherine Butt-Smith: Yeah. Yeah, but, bein' on the square today, brother, ain't what it used to be. You see, you're jabber don't jive.
- Gaston Le Blanc: Jive?
- Katie O'Hara Von Luber, aka Katherine Butt-Smith: Cause if you're on the square, you like the bear. And the bear's nowhere. But, it won't take long to reet pleat you with a zoot suit and stiff cuff and get you back on the beam. Why in no time at 'll, you'll be cookin' with helium.
- Gaston Le Blanc: Huh?
- Katie O'Hara Von Luber, aka Katherine Butt-Smith: Well, don't that make you hep? Ain't you plugged in or am I just beatin' my gums?
- Katie O'Hara Von Luber, aka Katherine Butt-Smith: I heard you in that huddle with the Nazis.
- Gaston Le Blanc: Yes. They are members of the Gestapo. But, I...
- Katie O'Hara Von Luber, aka Katherine Butt-Smith: What does that make you, brother? You were awful pally-wally with 'em, giving out with that spy stuff.
- Gaston Le Blanc: Well, I have to keep in their confidence.
- Katie O'Hara Von Luber, aka Katherine Butt-Smith: Oh, you do, huh?
- Gaston Le Blanc: I'm afraid I'm losing yours.
- Katie O'Hara Von Luber, aka Katherine Butt-Smith: You're darn tootin'.