- [Opening narration]
- Narrator: St. Paul's Cathedral, London. That's right! Happily still standing after so much that has taken place in recent years. And to many of us, it's a symbol of something that will surely survive any other trials that may yet be in store. This may be the reason why a number of people banded themselves together to make this picture possible.
- [Screen fills with the names of the cast]
- Narrator: In the order of their appearance, these are the players who took part. Many others offered their services, but did not eventually appear through no fault of their own. The main point was the eagerness of everyone to take part in a job of real teamwork. Of course it takes more than actors to make a picture. And we were fortunate in being able to make use of many offers of assistance, among them these writers:
- [21 writers' names appear]
- Narrator: Also these directors and producers contributed their time and skills:
- [Names of Clair, Goulding, Hardwicke, Lloyd, Savile, Stevenson and Wilcox]
- Narrator: We have called the picture:
- [Title appears]
- Narrator: "Forever and a Day" was finally made possible only through the cordial cooperation of all the Hollywood studios and the technical branches of the industry. May we hope that this truly cooperative effort may symbolize the common effort of ourselves and our allies to make secure the ideals for which this picture stands.
- Trimble Maid: Eeeeeh - isn't it all romantic? Just like a fairy tale.
- Trimble Maid: Yes. She's a nice little thing in her way and I really pity her having to go back to that old Barstow.
- Sir Anthony Trimble-Pomfret: [on receiving a knighthood] I am of course grattered and flattified by the signal honour Her Majesty has done us.
- Ned Trimble: Do you have a room with a bath for tonight?
- Marjorie Ismay: Well, we have a room, and we have a bathroom.
- Gates Trimble Pomfret: [looking at the portrait of his ancestor] Let's build again. He would.
- Lesley Trimble: Yes, he would. He built a shelter, decency, dignity, everything a home should stand for. Oh, but he'd want to make sure first none of this would happen again.
- Gates Trimble Pomfret: You bet he would. And that's our job... yours and mine.