Unusual for a film even today, the movie was shot in chronological order.
Greer Garson was nominated for the Best Actress Oscar, but lost to Ingrid Bergman for her role in Gaslight.
Some cast members in studio records/casting call lists did not appear or were not identifiable in the movie. These were (with their character names): Ann Codee (Madame Dupont), George Davis (French Policeman) and Frank Reicher (French Doctor). It is possible that their scenes, if filmed at all, were only for the European version (see alternate versions), since their character names suggests a French setting. A contemporary news item also listed Donna Reed, Nana Bryant and Dewey Robinson as cast members, but they were not seen in the movie.
M-G-M records indicate that this film, made when Greer Garson's popularity was at its peak, cost about $1.5 million, and was successful enough that its worldwide box office gross earned the studio a profit of over $2.2 million.