Spring Byington credited as playing...
Penny Sycamore
- Grandpa Martin Vanderhoff: Penny, why don't you write a play about Ism-Mania?
- Penny Sycamore: Ism-Mania?
- Grandpa Martin Vanderhoff: Yeah, sure, you know, Communism, Fascism, Voodooism, everybody's got an -ism these days.
- Penny Sycamore: Oh
- [laughs]
- Penny Sycamore: I thought it was an itch or something.
- Grandpa Martin Vanderhoff: Well, it's just as catching. When things go a little bad nowadays, you go out, get yourself an -ism and you're in business.
- Grandpa Martin Vanderhoff: If it's illegal to manufacture fireworks without a permit, then I guess we're guilty of that too, because we've been doing it a long time.
- Penny Sycamore: I don't feel guilty, do you, Essie?
- Essie Carmichael: No.
- Penny Sycamore: Were you ever in a monestery, Mr. Poppins?
- Poppins: In a monastery?
- Grandpa Martin Vanderhoff: What's the matter, Penny, stuck?
- Penny Sycamore: Yes, I've sort of got myself in the monastery and I can't get out.
- Grandpa Martin Vanderhoff: It'll come to you, remember how you got out of that jail.
- Penny Sycamore: Donald, were you ever in a monastery?
- Donald: No, I don't go no place much. I'm on relief.
- Penny Sycamore: [cheerfully answering the door] How do you do, Mr. Kirby? Come right in.
- Tony Kirby: Thank you.
- Penny Sycamore: We've been expecting you... you are Mr. Kirby, aren't you?
- [asks due to prior mixup with Mr. Henderson]
- Tony Kirby: Yes.
- Penny Sycamore: Well, thank heaven. Here he is! This is *really* Mr. Kirby.
- Penny Sycamore: Um, eh, have you any hobbies Mrs. Kirby?
- Mrs. Anthony P. Kirby: Well uh, as a matter of fact I have. I'm a student of Occultism.
- Penny Sycamore: What's that?
- Paul Sycamore: That's spiritualism dear.
- Penny Sycamore: Spiritualism? Oh why Mrs. Kirby, I'm surprised. Why, everyone knows spiritualism is a fake.
- Mrs. Anthony P. Kirby: I beg your pardon?
- Paul Sycamore: Now Penny, you mustn't criticize other people's hobbies. You've got one or two of your own you know.
- Penny Sycamore: [happily] Yes, but not silly ones!
- [Mrs. Kirby looks very offended, Penny grabs her mouth upon realizing that she inadvertantly and accidentally made small of her, and Mr. Kirby agreeably smirks and silently relishes in the fun made at his wife's expense]
- Rheba: Why don't you go back to writing your war play, Mrs. Sycamore? I like that one best.
- Penny Sycamore: Really, Rheba? Well maybe I will.
- Grandpa Martin Vanderhoff: This seems very high handed. What's it all about?
- Chief Detective: Police Department.
- Penny Sycamore: Oh, a J-man!
- Grandpa Martin Vanderhoff: G-men, Penny.
- Boris Kolenkhov: The perfect hobby should improve the body as well as the mind. The Romans were great people. Why? What was their hobby? Wrestling. In wrestling you must think quick with the mind and act quick with the body.
- Anthony P. Kirby: Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, I-I agree with you. When I was young I was pretty good at it myself. Unfortunately as one grows older...
- Boris Kolenkhov: Foolishness! Once a wrestler, you will never forget. I have not done it in six years, but I forget niet! Look:
- [suddenly causes a minor scene by picking up Mr. Kirby over his shoulders in a wrestling move, spinning him around, and throwing him down on the floor while everyone scrambles to their feet in shock/confusion/assistance/etc]
- Alice Sycamore: Sit down Mr. Kirby.
- [while brushing him off]
- Anthony P. Kirby: My glasses, where are my glasses?
- Penny Sycamore: Here they are. Oh Mr. Kirby, they're broken.
- Boris Kolenkhov: I am sorry, but when you wrestle again Mr. Kirby, you will of course not wear your glasses.
- Anthony P. Kirby: [frustrated] I do not *intend* to wrestle again.
- Grandpa Martin Vanderhof: That was very silly Kolenkhov, I'm sorry you did that. I'm sorry Mr. Kirby.