Ginger Rogers turned down the role of Hildy Johnson (eventually played by Rosalind Russell) in the Howard Hawks comedy His Girl Friday (1940) so she could co-star with Ronald Colman in this movie.
Ginger Rogers dyed her hair brunette for the part. However she left the dye on for too long and it became almost black. She had to wash it many times to bring it to a suitable, lighter color, although it was still darker than she wanted.
In the scene where Jean is on the phone to David at night, she trips over the telephone cord, falls to the floor and begins to laugh. It was accidental - Ginger Rogers did in fact trip over the cord, but the director chose to keep this in as it added to Jean's excitement of going out with David.
Carole Lombard turned down the role of Jean in this movie so she could film Vigil in the Night (1940).
This film was very successful at the box office, earning RKO a profit of $200,000 ($4.43M in 2024) according to studio records.