"If one more thing happens to my little dream house, there is going to be murder!"
When he hears threats like that - always delivered to Tom by either Spike the dog or Mammy Two Shoes the maid, it's music to Jerry's ears......and the devil sets to work to make sure that DOES happen. His goal is always to see that Tom gets what's coming to him.
Spike hasn't built the house yet; he just has the blueprints, but he's working on it. Unfortunately, every time he's trying the build the house the stupid cat - who is always chasing Jerry - gets in the way, ruins what has been built.....and pays a big price. Spike never bluffs. If he promises something; he'll deliver!
Actually, Spike shows more patience and tolerance in this episode that you would think. Tom, in the beginning, accidentally demolishes the in-progress dog house but later he acts nasty himself....so you wind up rooting for the dog in this one.
Some of the gags in here are good, such as Spike looking like a daisy or a few other odd things. Actually, the poor dog takes the brunt of the violence in this cartoon. In fact, I can't think of another Tom and Jerry where Tom deserved punishment more than this one. I usually root for him, but not here.