- Sgt. McClusky: You know I'm beginning to like you.
- Hap Smith: You are? Is that good?
- Sgt. McClusky: Yeah! And I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.
- Hap Smith: What?
- Sgt. McClusky: I'm not half as tough as I sound.
- Hap Smith: You're not?
- Sgt. McClusky: Nah! It's just something that comes over me. Sometimes I think I'm my own worst enemy.
- Hap Smith: No, you're not, Sarge. Not as long as I'm alive.
- Chick Allen: There's nothing to it. You get on a plane, you go up 20,000 feet, jump out, and your chute opens automatically.
- Hap Smith: Yeah? What if it doesn't open?
- Chick Allen: Then you pull your reserve parachute.
- Hap Smith: What if that doesn't open?
- Chick Allen: Well, we haven't had a complaint yet... from a guy whose shoot didn't open.
- [Laughs]