Tyrone Power credited as playing...
Constable Duncan MacDonald
- Standing Bear: The pony soldier speaks with the tongue of the snake that rattles.
- Constable Duncan MacDonald: It is Standing Bear who speaks with a forked tongue!
- [looking down on an enormous Cree camp]
- Constable Duncan MacDonald: You told Inspector Frazier Standing Bear's Crees were cut to pieces.
- Natayo Smith: Natayo make big mistake. Sometimes even when smart beaver cut down tree, tree fall on beaver.
- Jess Calhoun: You think all you've got to do to get those Indians to do what you say is to go out and talk with them?
- Constable Duncan MacDonald: I have no choice except to get them to talk.
- Jess Calhoun: Talk with an Indian? Take it from me, from Jess Calhoun, the only talk the Indian understands is hot lead in his belly.