According to Chuck Jones, the idea for this cartoon came about one day while he and the writers were trying to come up with a new story for a Bugs cartoon. Their boss, the producer Edward Selzer, abruptly announced, "I don't want no gags about bullfights. Bullfights aren't funny". The thought of putting Bugs in a bullfight hadn't even occurred to Jones, who immediately hit upon it as a great idea. He and writer Michael Maltese--neither of whom had ever been to a bullfight--took a trip to Mexico to see one. The resulting cartoon proved to be one of the most successful in the Bugs Bunny series.
The sounds of the crowd were recorded from a real bullfighting crowd in Barcelona, Spain.
The music from scene of Bugs makes the bull follow the cape is called "La Cucaracha".
The version of this short shown on ABC's "The Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show" cut two scenes. The first was of the bull swallowing bullets and shooting them out of his horns, and the second was the entire end, starting from where the bull slides up a greased ramp.
This short was the debut appearance of Toro the Bull.