Bernard Miles credited as playing...
Joe Brooks
- Philip Sutherland: You're Joe Brooks, aren't you?
- Joe Brooks: Maybe I am, maybe I ain't.
- Philip Sutherland: The boot up the hill says you know everything there is to know about boats.
- Joe Brooks: That's young Willie. He talks out of his elbow at times. A man's not born yet as knows everything about boats- never will be, neither. Boats isn't like them motor cars they got where you come from, you know, all slicked up and shiny- you press a button and you gets the answer. Oh no, boats is a different story. Boats has got souls.
- Philip Sutherland: [on a boat, looking it over] What's it like sailing a boat like this alone?
- Joe Brooks: Well, that's all according to whether you knows what you're up to. If you do, you're fine and fair. If you don't, you'll drown.
- Philip Sutherland: Suppose you wanted to sail all the way to the Baltic.
- Joe Brooks: Baltic? Who'd want to sail to the Baltic?
- Philip Sutherland: *I* might.
- Joe Brooks: *You* might?
- Philip Sutherland: 'Course, I know it's a long way to the Baltic, but...
- Joe Brooks: It's a long way to the end of the pier in a rowboat, if you don't know how to row.
- Philip Sutherland: A man could learn, Joe.