This story revolves around a young couple - Kiriti and Tapasi. Tapasi's mother could not accept her daughter's wedding and brought her home. Tapasi's father dies of shock. Tapasi being well ... Read allThis story revolves around a young couple - Kiriti and Tapasi. Tapasi's mother could not accept her daughter's wedding and brought her home. Tapasi's father dies of shock. Tapasi being well educated goes to a hill station for holidaying and meets a rich young man, named Kiriti. T... Read allThis story revolves around a young couple - Kiriti and Tapasi. Tapasi's mother could not accept her daughter's wedding and brought her home. Tapasi's father dies of shock. Tapasi being well educated goes to a hill station for holidaying and meets a rich young man, named Kiriti. They fall in love. However Tapasi had wedded Bulu, a teenage village zamindar boy. A guilty... Read all