- Saint Peter: [last lines, Peter is speaking about the Silver Chalice to Basil and Deborra, and he utters his lines in the tone of a heroic speech] It will be restored, but for years and for hundreds of years, it will lie in darkness; where, I know not. When it is brought out into the light again there will be great cities, and mighty bridges and towers higher than the tower of Babel. It will be a world of evil and long bitter wars. In such a world as that the little cup will look very lonely. But it may be in that age when man holds lightning in his hands, and rides the sky as Simon the Magician strove to do it will be needed more than it is needed now.
- Simon The Magician: A true miracle is nothing but a good trick. Unless it is made part of a new faith, a new religion, then it becomes a holy mystery and wins devoted followers.
- Ignatius: I have always wanted a son who will see things as I do. We are Greeks. We have a great heritage of art and beauty to give the world.
- Basil as a boy: Will I ever see you again?
- Helena as a Girl: Oh, yes. The gods could not be that crueI.
- Basil: Will you give me my freedom? This is your last chance, I warn you. Are you going to give me my freedom? Answer me. Freedom! Freedom! Now!
- Simon The Magician: [toast] To Bacchus, who has given us wine. To Mars, who has given us warriors. And to Venus, who has given us Helena.
- Mijamin: Let us bid welcome to Simon the Magician, who, by the force of his miracles, will turn the hearts of strong men away from the preachers who rob them of their manhood with sermons on love and peace.
- Simon The Magician: It is not natural for a man to love his enemies. Nor, is it natural for lusty men to give up the joys of earth for the sake of a dull eternity of angels singing.
- Helena: Simon, Look at me. Because miracles made one Christ, surely you're not thinking they can make another.
- Simon The Magician: I'm not thinking anything; but, stranger things have happened.
- Simon The Magician: Like most men who live by the sword, you overlook the greater power of the word.
- Helena: What do you want to be? A skulking man going to secret meetings? Ending your life as a criminal on a cross? I was about to say, ''Or another messiah.''
- Basil: You should be a priestess in your temple. A holy woman.
- Deborra: But, I'm not. Although I try to be a good Christian, I don't always succeed.
- Basil: How can one be better than you?
- Deborra: Because, I should be thinking of the joys of the next world. My mind, I'm afraid, is too much on this one.
- [kisses Basil]
- Deborra: He's Benjie the Asker. Benjie's a gatherer of information.
- Benjie: O Lady of the house, I am more than that. I am also a disseminator of opinion. I burrow under surfaces. I fish in many waters. I am in the confidence of all leaders, and at the same time, belong to brotherhoods of the Iowest levels. I hear religion from some and revolution from others and this I can say without boasting: few doors in Jerusalem are closed to me.
- Deborra: [describing the face of Jesus] He was not at all like other men. He was dark, very dark. He did not wear his hair long as most people think. His mouth was sensitive and kind; but, there was no trace of weakness in it, oh, no. It was strong and firm. His brow was very wide. And his eyes - oh, I've always been able to see them in my mind. So gentle and compassionate. So very, very wise.
- Deborra: Why do I do these foolish things? If anything had happened to you, I shall never forget your courage, and your strength and your gentleness.
- Aaron Ben Joseph: You think it is easy to crawl on your belly to the Romans. To be spat upon as a mangy dog.
- Helena: Simon would know if I were even thinking of leaving him. He's not called a magician for nothing.
- Helena: Don't go when you're angry. Only when you come to me with love and leave me with your kisses stinging on my mouth do I find life sweet.
- Basil: It would have been very easy, Deborra, when we were in the desert, to yield to the temptation to be your husband. It is not difficult for a man to delude a woman about such things - even a more worldly woman than you.
- Nero: A match against the Christians? What do you say, Tigellinus?
- Tigellinus: You might find it amusing, Caesar. Simon against the Christians.
- Nero: It would be a change from the lions.
- Helena: This is not the way lovers meet. That is not the way lovers kiss. Why? Why? Has your wife cast some evil Christian spell over you?
- Master of Court Ceremonies: If it please you, Caesar. Roast peacock from the Land of Egypt. Wild boar from Caesar's preserves in Dalmatia. Succulent dormice, saturated with poppy juice. Oysters, surrounded by Damson plums, sprinkled with cumin and benzoin root. Sausage, stuffed with golden plover's eggs and the breast of pheasant. Aged grasshoppers, fried in honey to a light golden brown. Eggs, made of crushed pearls colored to a golden hue and filled with yolks - in which we've nestled fat little ortolans roasted to a turn.
- Helena: No one dares be great in Rome except Nero. He is god, not you. And remember, Nero is a jealous god.
- Kester: If it's that lovely young lady you're looking for, she just left. Your little honey sweet? I see you haven't been spending all your time waiting for me to return.
- Kester: Come, shall we dine? A juicy capon, stuffed with lotus seeds and the tongues of hummingbirds. A dish that Nero himself might envy.
- Simon The Magician: [climbing out atop a high tower where he promises he can fly] There is nothing to worry, my Helena. You do not know what manner of man I am today. I am no longer man...
- Simon The Magician: [spreading his arms wide] ... I am God.
- Nero: [disappointed, after witnessing Simon, who claimed he could fly, fall to his death from a high tower] He didn't fly.