Betty Grable credited as playing...
- Stormy: Hey Curly!
- Wedgewood: Not so loud... do you wanna get me expelled? Curly...
- Curly: Yeah?
- Wedgewood: Do you think you can get in here without being seen?
- Curly: For what purpose?
- Stormy: Don't argue the man's got a fried chicken in here.
- Curly: Hold him.
- Stormy: You're still a pupil?
- Wedgewood: That's right.
- Stormy: Well what kind of a for-crying-out-loud kind of school could you be in?
- Wedgewood: This one, Bristol College.
- Stormy: This is a college?
- Wedgewood: Well, of course, what did you think it was?
- Stormy: I think you better let me outta here. I had all the college boys I want on Saturday nights thank you... tanked up on the two dollar gin.
- Stormy: What I'd like to do is go underground, if I could ever figure out how you get down there.
- Curly: You know something? That woman's got a very kind face.
- Stormy: She's got a very kindly piece of salami there, too.
- Curly: That's what I said.
- Stormy, Curly: [singing] How to be very, very popular, That is the subject friends, A gal with charm can walk off the farm, And start earning dividends, If she's popular, popular, popular friends, How to be very, very popular...
- Wedgewood: What do you think could have happened to her?
- Stormy: But what could happen to a girl in a building full of college boys?
- Stormy: Stormy Tornado. I'm an interpretive dancer.
- Eddie Jones: Just to keep the record straight, it was me that put the whammy on her, not him.
- Stormy: Well, two and a half cheers for you.
- Stormy: You mean you can't ungoof her?
- Eddie Jones: Please, may I kiss her goodbye?
- Stormy: Just don't try to show off.
- Eddie Jones: Thanks.
- [kisses a hypnotized Curly]
- Toby Marshall: Say, could I pick up that raincheck now?
- Eddie Jones: He didn't get one first time around.
- Stormy: Oh, sure. And line up the rest of the college, too, why don't you?
- [Toby gives hypnotized Curly a long kiss]
- Stormy: And all the poor kid wanted was a little piece of salami.
- Stormy: She's a very nice kid when she's not goofed up like that.
- Stormy: I've never been so popular in my life since I've started interpretating.
- Stormy: What you really want is we should beat it, don't you?
- Stormy: Well, if you'll pardon a four letter word, you're a real cutie.
- Stormy: You're not going to jail. They're going to take you straight to the booby hatch.