- Terrence 'Slip' Mahoney: Sach, take these children back to deir room and rock 'em to sleep, will ya?
- Sach: I got no rocks.
- Terrence 'Slip' Mahoney: Ehh, then hammer dem to sleep.
- Terrence Mahoney Esq.: Get out of here or I'll call the police!
- Gabe Moreno: [shows his badge] The police is here.
- Sach: Whoops! A bagel tiger!
- Terrence 'Slip' Mahoney: It's not "bagel" tiger, it's *beagle* tiger, ya moron!
- Terrence 'Slip' Mahoney: [as Sach hovers too closely] Well, you gonna let me take the letter out or are you gonna crawl into the envelope and read it?
- Terrence 'Slip' Mahoney: [reads letter] Terence Mahoney... E-S-Q?
- Sach: Esq? What's esq?
- Messenger Boy: Esq me another.
- [laughs]
- Terrence 'Slip' Mahoney: [on the phone] You say Wall Street's busy? Well, have 'em return my call. It's radder impertinent.
- Terrence 'Slip' Mahoney: Guess it just goes to prove that bread cast upon the water sometimes comes back as boint toast.
- Terrence 'Slip' Mahoney: [on the phone] Two million dollars! That's a poultry sum. Where does your railroad run, up a side street? Who's dis? Dis is the great and insignificant Terrence Mahoney!
- Terrence 'Slip' Mahoney: Sach, my friend, you can think of the dumbest, stupidest, most idiotic things that have ever been secreted in the human mind!
- Sach: But, Chief...
- Terrence 'Slip' Mahoney: Shaddap!
- Sach: Now, wait a minute, young fella! I might be dumb, stupid, idiotic, but gimme a chance to talk and prove it, will ya?
- Terrence 'Slip' Mahoney: That sign says Mahoney Manor. All mine as far as the eye can see. The landscrape, and de trees silliated against de moonlight, and plants, and de flowers, and de scrubbery - all mine.
- [reaching down and gathering some earth]
- Terrence 'Slip' Mahoney: Sach, you know what dis is?
- Sach: Cointenly. Doit.
- Terrence 'Slip' Mahoney: "Doit?" This is the good oit. That's surl, that's what that is, foital surl, and you've got the discrepancy to call it "doit."