- Johnny Lambert: When you're at the wheel of a ship at night, far at sea and nothing else to do, you think about a lot of things you don't understand. You wonder why one man is born white and another isn't. And how about God himself? What color is he? And the stars seem so close and the world so small in comparison to all the other worlds above you. It doesn't seem to matter so much how we were born.
- Engine Room Officer Trotter: You wonder perhaps, why I never set foot in this accursed city?
- [points to the view across the River Thames]
- Johnny Lambert: No sir.
- Engine Room Officer Trotter: Well, I'll tell ye. Behold, from afar it gleams like a jewel, but walk within the shadow of its walls and what do you find? Filth, squalor and misery.
- Charlie Vernon - acrobat: You're sailing on Sunday, that right?
- Dan MacDonald: Yeah, that's right.
- Charlie Vernon - acrobat: No ifs about it?
- Dan MacDonald: Evening tide.
- Charlie Vernon - acrobat: Certain?
- Dan MacDonald: Tides don't change their mind.