In Awaara, there are three genaration of the Kapoor family in the film. There is Deewan Kapoor in the film, who was the grandfather of Raj Kapoor (father of pritviraj ) who plays the role of judge, who comes in the beggining of the film and in the end, then Raj Kapoor's father, Pritviraaj and also his young brother, Shashi Kapoor (junior raj kapoor ) were also in this film. As a filmaker this was Raj Kapoor, his third film. This film got very famous in Russia. In a outdoor scene of Raj with Nargis, in the background, the music of the song ' na mangu sona chandi' could be heard there, 20 years later this tune was used in a song of. Bobby.
Pritivraj Kapoor had underestimated his son, Raj Kapoor, who was going to became a great film maker. Raj told the writters Abbas and Sathe to narate the story to his father as he couldn't do it. He was very nervous, worried smoking many ciggaretes, he knew his father will refuse and if it happens the film wont be made. His father liked the story and was ready to act in it. He asked the writers that who was the director and the hero, he wanted to know. When Abbas told Prithviraj that his son is the maker and actor of Awaara and when the father heard it he refused to do the film and told the writers that why they are giving Awaara to Raj Kapoor to make, he told them that Raj doesn't know how to make a film and he will spoil the film and why great writers like them are writting for Raj. At that time Raj knew, the film wont be made now. The writers talked and convinced Pritivraj, requested him to work in the film and he will see the results, after some time Pritivraj relucantly unhappily agreed and Raj Kapoor had tough time directing his father. Awaara created history. It is always very much known Showman Raj Kapoor was one of top filmakers of the world.
Raj ('Raj Kapoor') is given prisoner number 308 which is the same as article number of Indian Penal Code for which he was charged and tried. Article 308 of Indian Penal Code is about the charge of 'Attempt to commit culpable homicide'.
Raj Kapoor decided to put his grandfather Basheshwarnath Nath in his film Aawara to have the three Kapoor generations represented. Doing the small role of a judge, the old man would just not read the lines that Raj gave him but say whatever he wished. When prompted to follow the script, the old man screamed out: "You will teach your grandfather! Do you know law better than me? I will say what I have to." Exasperated, Raj told his team to quickly take his shots and be done.
Remade as Avare 1964 in Turkey.