The assumed names aren't kept straight. At the enlistment center, Slip assigns Whitey the name Harry Shwartz, Chuck the name Stevenson, and Butch the name Merriweather; then, even while looking at each guy's enlistment form, Slip calls Chuck "Merriweather" instead of "Stevenson" and Butch "Stevens" instead of "Merriweather" (or even "Stevenson"). At role call, however, Whitey responds (off camera) to "Stevenson," Chuck responds to "Merriweather," and Butch responds to "Schwartz."
When Slip goes to wake up Sach he taps him on the forearm but in the next scene he is tapping him on the hand.
Stay attentive during that scene below decks when Slip and the gang attempt to search the sleeping Marines for the 'Marie' tattoo. Speaking to Butch (Buddy Gorman) and Chuck (David Gorcey), Slip (Leo Gorcey) calls his real life brother 'Dave' instead of using his character's name in the story. No, not really. Slip never says "Dave" but he points to Butch then Chuck and says "You and Butch take that side." He points to the wrong guys as he says this. It should be to Chuck and then Butch.
Once the role call reaches Sach, it stops and never resumes. The role call is also not in alphabetical order.
When Sach sits down at the table in the chart room, the bobbing shadow of a boom microphone appears on the lockers behind him; then, when Sach hangs up after talking to the captain, a moving shadow of the boom microphone swings quickly into the scene from the left.
Tannen's (Paul Harvey) rank is Lt. Commander, and it's indicated as such by the name plaque on his desk; however, he wears the three full stripes of a full Commander on his uniform sleeves.