- Amalia Rygseck: So you are writer Laihonen! I have read one of your books.
- Writer K V Laihonen: That's very interesting!
- Amalia Rygseck: After reading it I burnt it!
- Hagert: Palmu, where have you been? The whole station is upside down because of you.
- komisario Frans J. Palmu: At Kämp, for lunch.
- Hagert: On working hours!
- Väinö Kokki: [hiccups]
- Hagert: And drunk as a skunk! Did you have a car?
- Väinö Kokki: No... or yes, but we left it in front of the hotel.
- Hagert: Now you'll go back to Bruno Rygseck at once!
- komisario Frans J. Palmu: But he's dead. Died in an accident this morning.
- Hagert: This is no time for jokes. Vaara called us half an hour ago. The divorced Mrs. Rygseck has taken poison and died... . Maybe we shouldn't have dropped the investigation.
- komisario Frans J. Palmu: "We"?... Well, let's go, boys!
- Hagert: Kokki! You're not driving!
- Väinö Kokki: Right.
- [for someone]
- Väinö Kokki: Hey, come with us. There's a little task for you.