Lynn Fontanne credited as playing...
- Narrator: Second to the right, and straight on till morning. That is the way to Never Land. If you close your eyes, you will see a pool of lovely, pale colors. If you squeeze them tighter, the pool will take on different shapes, and the colors will become brighter, so bright, that in a moment they'll go on fire. And in that moment, just before they do, you will see Never Land, a magic island on whose shores children are forever at play.
- [first lines]
- Narrator: Some say that as we grow up, we become different people at different ages, but I don't believe this. I think we remain the same throughout, merely passing in these years from one room, to another, but always in the same house. If we unlock the rooms of the far past, we can look in and see ourselves beginning to become you and me.
- Wendy, John: [dressed up like their parents and dancing] One-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three.
- Narrator: That was the last time the girl Wendy ever saw Peter. Years came and went without bringing the careless boy. Wendy tried, for Peter's sake, not to have growing pains, but, you see, all children, except Peter, grow up. Then... one night, a long time after, when it was once more spring-cleaning time, the stars blew open the nursery windows.