Ralph Richardson credited as playing...
Themistocles of Athens
- Themistocles of Athens: Truth is a heady wine. A politician must never exaggerate people's capacity for it.
- Themistocles of Athens: The whole of Asia is descending upon us. Many times more men than there are Greeks. These men are fierce, savage, bloodthirsty, merciless. But that is not the reason why we should fear them. That is not the source of their power. Their power lies in their unity. Unity! Remember that one terrible word which will surely destroy Greece, unless we counter it with a unity of our own. A unity of free men fighting together resisting this united tide of tyranny.
- Leonidas, Spartan King: A Spartan king cannot act without the authority of his people. But I know my people, and I know they will fight.
- Themistocles of Athens: Will they lead all others?
- Leonidas, Spartan King: Sparta will fight, whether others will follow or not.
- Themistocles of Athens: I've sent 20 runners around with the news that the entire Spartan army is marching north.
- Leonidas, Spartan King: But that's not true!
- Themistocles of Athens: Truth is a heady wine, friend. A politician must never exaggerate people's capacity for it.
- Leonidas, Spartan King: I thank the gods I am only a soldier.
- Themistocles of Athens: And I thank them I'm a politician. Between us we may make our dream come true.
- Themistocles of Athens: How many men have you brought?
- Leonidas, Spartan King: 300 Spartans.
- Themistocles of Athens: 300?
- Leonidas, Spartan King: My personal bodyguard. Other Spartans will follow after the festival.
- Themistocles of Athens: Another festival?
- Leonidas, Spartan King: We are religious people.
- Themistocles of Athens: I know. Some day I may enter religion myself. It's better than politics. With the gods behind you, you can be far more irresponsible.
- Leonidas, Spartan King: Themistocles, we invoked divine help coming here. This is no time for impious remarks.
- Themistocles of Athens: Forgive me... friend.