- Pvt Cranshaw: I wish that there was some way that you could cut regulations and bring her out here. It sure would make things more tolerable. She could even sleep with me, just like at home.
- 2nd Lt. Matthew 'Matt' Hazard: You can't bring your wife out here until you are a three striper.
- Pvt Cranshaw: Wife, sir? I ain't got none.
- 2nd Lt. Matthew 'Matt' Hazard: Well, you can't take your girlfriend into the barracks, either!
- Pvt Cranshaw: She ain't no human girl. She's the best old blue-tick coonhound in Kentuck.
- 2nd Lt. Matthew 'Matt' Hazard: There's nothing the matter with these recruits, sir. The matter is with the training and the discipline.
- Mrs. Kitty Mainwarring: You're a hard man, a duty man. It's your only love, really.
- 2nd Lt. Matthew 'Matt' Hazard: Is there a better kind?
- Mrs. Kitty Mainwarring: Well, speaking as a normal woman, yes; as an Army woman, no.
- 2nd Lt. Matthew 'Matt' Hazard: He once said at the Academy the Army is a jealous mistress.
- Laura Frelief: And he loves her. That's why he's an old batchelor.
- 2nd Lt. Matthew 'Matt' Hazard: All right, now take a good look at them. It's going to make killing Apaches a lot easier They were buried alive. Those ants are eating their brains out!
- Maj. Gen. Alexander Upton Quaint: Captain Gray, tell me, when was the last time that Fort Delivery was attacked by an unchallenged enemy at night?
- Capt. Cedric Gray MD: Sir, we've never been attacked at night.
- Maj. Gen. Alexander Upton Quaint: The opportunities for an enemy would seem to be enormous. I should think an Army outpost a hundred miles from nowhere with no sentries on duty would be as inviting to an enemy, as it is astonishing to me.
- Maj. Gen. Alexander Upton Quaint: [At West Point, recounting his pursuit of War Eagle, who crossed the river into Mexico to avoid apprehension from U.S. forces who were forbidden to cross into Mexico] And so, he crossed the Little River into Mexico, and escaped me. "Abiit, excessit, evasit, erupit," which I'm sure you all remember from your Cicero. I translate it to mean, "He is gone, departed, slunk off, and gotten clean away."
- 2nd Lt. Matthew 'Matt' Hazard: The vehicle was shot up by Indians. Mrs. Mainwaring was the only survivor.
- Capt. Cedric Gray MD: Three men lost with the wagon, huh?
- 2nd Lt. Matthew 'Matt' Hazard: Yeah.
- Capt. Cedric Gray MD: How many at Pine Bluff?
- 2nd Lt. Matthew 'Matt' Hazard: I counted three. Two died like soldiers, one was shot in the back... nearly everybody panicked.
- Capt. Cedric Gray MD: Yeah, I know. Sgt. Kroger came back with a story that out-Custered Custer.
- Maj. Gen. Alexander Upton Quaint: You know, Mr. Hazard, a man is not a man who would permit his people to die needlessly.
- 2nd Lt. Matthew 'Matt' Hazard: Would that be from the Latin, sir?
- Maj. Gen. Alexander Upton Quaint: No... no, that's from Alexander Upton Quaint.
- War Eagle, Apache Indian chief: I surrender. Not because I am afraid but because I am tired of war. Always I wanted peace. But your men in Washington, no, they sent soldiers. They killed our women and children. They destroyed our men with bullets and whiskey. They took our land, our freedom. They drove us like animals.
- 2nd Lt. Matthew 'Matt' Hazard: Those days are over.
- War Eagle, Apache Indian chief: My heart has found faith in your words. I dream of my Arizona valley. The trees with nuts, the bushes with berries, the antelope standing where water runs.
- 2nd Lt. Matthew 'Matt' Hazard: That's right, War Eagle. Let's take your people home.