What a Way to Go! (1964)
Paul Newman: Larry Flint
Larry Flint : The Louvre - It's the garbage pail of the arts.
Larry Flint : [Spread out on the front seat of a cab Louisa has just entered in the back] I ain't got all day, lady. Where do you wanna go?
Louisa May Foster : Oh, you speak English.
Larry Flint : All of us foreigners do. It's compulsory.
Louisa May Foster : You American?
Larry Flint : Naw. Naw, lady. I'm a Russian spy for the C.I.A.
Larry Flint : Money corrupts. Art erupts.
Louisa May Foster : Oh, that's a beautiful saying.
Larry Flint : It's immortal. I just made it up.
Larry Flint : Typical American yardstick - the eternal buck. That's why I left the place.
Larry Flint : See, the sound, the sonic vibrations, they go in there. And then, that gets transmitted to that photo-electric cell, which gives those dynamic impulses to the brushes and the arms, and it's fusion of the mechanized world and a human soul.
Larry Flint : I didn't leave it at the butcher's. I was there showing it to him, and there was this customer there buying pig's knuckles. So, um, he looks at the picture and then he puts on his glasses and he gives me his card... and he gives me 40,000 francs. That's almost $200.
Woman at art show : If only Beethoven were alive to just hear this painting.
Larry Flint : Ah, yes. Pauvre Ludwig. I think he'd be very pleased.