Jean-Louis Comolli credited as playing...
Prof. Jeckell
- Lemmy Caution: I see. You oppose my moral, even supernatural, sense of vocation, with a simple physical and mental existence easily controllable by technicians.
- [Lights flash on several control panels]
- Prof. Jeckell: Your ideas are strange. Some years ago, in the Age of Ideas, yours would have been thought sublime. Look at yourself. Men of your type will soon be extinct. You'll be something worse than dead. You'll become a legend.
- Prof. Jeckell: Yes, I'm afraid of death... but for a humble secret agent that's a fact of life, like whisky. And I've drunk that all my life.
- [Caution reveals a gun]
- Prof. Jeckell: You never want to see the Lands Without again?
- Lemmy Caution: Good-bye, Mister Caution
- [Shot]