Connie Stevens credited as playing...
Melinda Duquesne • Cassie Duquesne
- Val Henderson: You're an amazing person, Cassie.
- Cassie Duquesne: Oh, yeah?
- Val Henderson: Yeah.
- Cassie Duquesne: How come?
- Val Henderson: Well, because you have every reason in the world to be bitter and you're not.
- Cassie Duquesne: Bitter; that is just a word that angry people use to hide the fact they want to be loved, that's all.
- [referring to her two-year-old daughter]
- Melinda Duquesne: How's Cassie?
- Jules 'Buzzy' Sheridan: Happy as a pig in a mudhole.
- Jules 'Buzzy' Sheridan: That's our dressing room, all right.
- Val Henderson: How you feeling?
- Cassie Duquesne: Oh, fine. Things sure look better in the morning, don't they?
- Cassie Duquesne: [on the phone with Val] You know that room on the third floor that's always locked? Well it was open. There's a box in there that has a woman's body in it with no head!
- Val Henderson: Cassie, it's got to be just another trick from your father's act.
- Cassie Duquesne: I don't care! Come over here, Val, please!