- François Baillou: Tell me about Serge.
- The baker: It bothers you, doesn't it?
- François Baillou: Naturally it shook me; he's such a terrific guy. Why did he marry this...
- The baker: Yvonne? He was unlucky: made it a couple of times, she got pregnant.
- François Baillou: They have a kid?
- The baker: No. It died at birth: they said it wasn't normal, it was...
- François Baillou: Mongol?
- The baker: I don't know what it's called.
- François Baillou: Who's the younger one?
- Madame Chaunier: The other daughter, Marie: an alley cat. A man a day. Lives up there with her father.
- Serge: François! I was drunk, thought I was dreaming. Why are you back?
- François Baillou: To see you.
- François Baillou: When was your first time?
- Marie: Two years ago.
- François Baillou: Who was it?
- Marie: What do you care?
- François Baillou: I know who, so tell me.
- Marie: If you know, then...
- François Baillou: Serge... It was Serge, wasn't it?
- [Marie laughs]
- François Baillou: I thought as much.
- Glomaud: You bastard... Buy me a drink.
- François Baillou: Leave me alone.
- Glomaud: You'd sleep with my daughter and refuse me a drink? She's a minor, you know. Hands off my daughter, you hear? I've got the law on my side.
- François Baillou: All right. I'll buy you a drink.
- The priest: Who do you think you are? Jesus Christ? What can you do?
- François Baillou: I don't know. That's why I'm waiting.
- François Baillou: [Serge and Francois discussing step-father raping 17-year-old step-daughter Marie] I was furious. it's so disgusting.
- Serge: It's not disgusting. It's practically normal.
- François Baillou: Maybe you're right. It's true. I don't really understand you people. Things seem so different here.
- Serge: Come on. You saw how they live, didn't you? You realize he'd held himself back for three years? Put yourself in his shoes. Living with her all that time, knowing she wasn't his daughter.
- François Baillou: What about Marie? Anyone ask her opinion?
- Serge: I'm sure it's all she thought about.
- François Baillou: That's not true.
- Serge: It is.
- François Baillou: No, that would be horrible.
- Serge: No, it's not horrible. It's not horrible. It's normal.
- François Baillou: Why are you all like this?
- Serge: Everybody's like this.
- François Baillou: That's not true. You're like animals. It's like you have no purpose in life.
- Serge: That's right! And where would we find one? People here make just enough to keep from starving. The Earth is granite! They work because there's nothing else to do.
- [School lets out across the street]
- Serge: Come look. Most of them
- [schoolchildren]
- Serge: have at least three miles to walk home. There'll be snow up to their knees soon, but they still want to learn to read. Yes, we're animals. And no one gives a damn.