- Matt Brown: I gave an order. I expect any man who works for me to obey it.
- Chip Donohue: No, it's not what you say that galls me. It's the way you say it.
- Matt Brown: You'll get used to it.
- Chip Donohue: The question is, do I want to?
- Matt Brown: You know when a man works the same job too long, he gets thinking no one else can do it.
- Chip Donohue: I guess that makes him as big a fool as the boy who thinks if he gives enough orders, nobody will have time enough to know that most of them don't make sense.
- Sam Mullen: By the time those cattle get through stomping Matt, nobody is going to notice he was shot.
- Chip Donohue: If I see one more hand touch one more jug, there may not be a jug... and there may not be a hand.
- Janet Calvert: You talk about how you grow and how a big shadow you're going to cast. Matt, you're getting smaller.
- Matt Brown: Do you know what it's like not having a name? It's like being an extra joker in a deck of cards. You're nothing. You don't belong in the game.
- Chip Donohue: If you're just half as big a man as you want us to think you are, you'll admit you're wrong before there is any damage done.
- Hortensia: You say there is nothing here to keep you. I think when you go, you leave behind more than you take with you.